个人简介:杨浩,博士,教授,硕士生导师,佐治亚理工学院(Georgia Institute of Technology)访问学者。主要从事仿生界面材料、环境化工、抗菌纺织品、食品包装等的研究。截至2024年3月,共发表SCI论文90篇,其中中科院一区论文33篇,二区论文24篇,被ESI热点论文收录2篇,ESI高被引论文收录5篇。总被引用次数4180次,H指数33。获国家授权发明专利34项,并作为项目主持人承担了国家自然科学基金青年基金、湖北省教育厅优秀中青年项目和武汉市科技局国际合作等项目。
2007年9月– 2010年6月 华南理工大学化学与化工学院,博士
2000年9月– 2007年6月 武汉轻工大学食品科学与工程学院,学士、硕士
2019年1月 – 至今 武汉工程大学环境生态与生物工程学院,教授
2017年9月– 2018年10月 佐治亚理工学院化学与生物分子工程学院,访问学者
2017年11月– 2018年12月 武汉工程大学环境生态与生物工程学院,副教授
2013年7月– 2017年10月 武汉工程大学化工与制药学院,副教授
2010年7月– 2013年6月 武汉工程大学化工与制药学院,讲师
Advanced Functional Materials、ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces、Carbohydrate Polymers、Chemical Engineering Journal、Colloids and Surfaces A、Construction and Building Materials、Food Hydrocolloids、Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research、Industrial Crops and Products、Journal of Hazardous Materials、Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering、Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers、International Journal of Biological Macromolecules、Langmuir、Separation and Purification Technology、Surface and Coatings Technology等几十种国际期刊的同行评审人
1. Lu Wanyu, Tang Qijin, Cheng Huajing, Li Shudi, Zhou Cailong*, Yang Hao*. Tannic acid induced in situ growth of an underwater superoleophobic ZIF-8 composite membrane for emulsion separation. New J Chem, 2024, DOI: 10.1039/D4NJ00623B.
2. Ling R. H., Lu T., Amini A., Yang H.*, Cheng C*. Rise of wood-based catalytic electrodes for large-scale hydrogen production. Mater Chem Front, 2024, DOI: 10.1039/d3qm01156a.
3. Liu Y., Zhang L., Cheng B., Yao J. L., Huang Y., Yang H.* Facile preparation of a robust, transparent superhydrophobic ZnO coating with self-cleaning, UV-blocking and bacterial anti-adhesion properties. Surf Coat Technol, 2024, 477, 130352.
4. Li S. D., Lu W. Y., Tang Q. J., Xiao Q., Kang Y. X., Hu L. Y., Huang Y., Peng C.*, Yang H.* Preparation of superhydrophilic sodium alginate/chitosan-Ag composite membranes with antibacterial activity for effective oil-water emulsion separation. Chem Eng Sci, 2024, 285, 119547.
5. Lu T., Zhang Q. X., Yang J. J.*, Xin Y., Zhang Z. L., Hu L. Y., Hu J., Qin Q., Yang H.* Preparation of PAN/GO composite nanofiber membrane for oil-containing wastewater treatment. Carbon Lett, 2024, 34, 109-122.
6. Zhu Shiyi, Lu Tong, Wang Zitong, Peng Dongmei, Wang Liping, Huang Yong, Yang Hao*. Durable superhydrophobic PDA-ZIF-8/PDMS composite fabric with photothermal antibacterial and self-cleaning properties. Mater Lett, 2024, 360, 135961.
7. Xu S. H., Tang Q. J., Li S. D., Liao T. F., Cheng H. J., Lu T., Jiang N., Lu Z., Zhou C. L.*, Yang H.* Preparation of underwater superoleophobic ZIF-67 composite membrane with high antibacterial activity and emulsion separation efficiency. J Environ Chem Eng, 2023, 11, 110078.
8. Liu T., Tang Q. J., Lu T., Zhu C., Li S. D., Zhou C. L.*, Yang H.*. Metal-organic frameworks-based membranes with special wettability for oil-water separation: A review. Coatings, 2023, 13, 1241.
9. Wang Z. T., Wu H. T., Fang Y., Yang H.*, Wang X. M.* Cu-hemin multilayer nanosheets with integration of peroxidase and photothermal properties for efficient synergistic sterilization. Mater Lett, 2023, 352, 135216.
10. Shen H. Z., Chen L., Zhou C. L.*, Du J. C., Lu C. Y., Yang H.*, Tan L. X., Zeng X. J.*, Dong L. C. Immobilizing Fe0 nanoparticles on covalent organic framework towards enhancement of Cr(VI) removal by adsorption and reduction synergistic effect. Sep Purif Technol, 2022, 290, 120883.
11. Peng C.*, Hu Y. D., You Z. P., Yang H.*, Nie Y. T., Wu T. H., Yang H. N., Ou R. H. Preparation and anti-icing performance of acrylic superhydrophobic asphalt pavement coating with microwave heating function. Constr Build Mater, 2022, 344, 128289.
12. He Y. T., Miao J.*, Jiang Z. B., Tu K., Yang H.*, Chen S. Q.*, Zhang L., Zhang R. Improving the anti-fouling property and permeate flux of hollow fiber composite nanofiltration membrane using beta-cyclodextrin. Sci. Rep., 2019, 9, 12435.
13. He Y. T., Miao J.*, Chen S. Q., Zhang R.*, Zhang L.*, Tang H. L.*, Yang H.*. Preparation and characterization of a novel positively charged composite hollow fiber nanofiltration membrane based on chitosan lactate. RSC Adv, 2019, 9, 4361-4369.
14. Jiang Z. B., Miao J.*, He Y. T., Tu K., Chen S. Q., Zhang R.*, Zhang L.*, Yang H.*, A novel kind of positively charged composite nanofiltration membrane based on polyethyleneimine with tunable active layer structures developed via interfacial polymerization. RSC Adv., 2019, 9, 10796-10806.
15. Yang H.*, Zhang Q. X., Chen Y., He Y. T., Yang F., Lu Z. Microwave-ultrasonic synergistically assisted synthesis of ZnO coated cotton fabrics with an enhanced antibacterial activity and stability. ACS Appl. Bio Mater., 2018, 1, 340-346.
16. Yang H.*, Zhang Q. X., Chen Y., Huang Y., Yang F., Lu Z. Ultrasonic-microwave synthesis of ZnO/BiOBr functionalized cotton fabrics with antibacterial and photocatalytic properties. Carbohydr. Polym., 2018, 201, 162-171.
17. Yang H.*, He Y. T., Wu Z. Q., Miao J.*, Yang F., Lu Z. Fabrication of a superhydrophobic and high-glossy copper coating on aluminum substrates. Appl. Surf. Sci., 2018, 433, 1192-1196.
18. Yang F., Huang X. J., Zhang C. L., Zhang M., Huang C., Yang H.*. Amino acid composition and nutritional value evaluation of Chinese chestnut (Castanea mollissima Blume) and its protein subunit. RSC Adv., 2018, 8, 2653-2659.
19. Peng C.*, Zhang H., You Z. P.*, Xu F., Jiang G. S., Lv S. T., Zhang R., Yang H.*. Preparation and anti-icing properties of a superhydrophobic silicone coating on asphalt mixture. Constr. Build. Mater., 2018, 189, 227.
20. Song S., Yang H.*, Zhou C. L., Cheng, J., Jiang Z. B., Lu Z., Miao J. Underwater superoleophobic mesh based on BiVO4 nanoparticles with sunlight-driven self-cleaning property for oil/water separation. Chem. Eng. J., 2017, 320, 342-351. (ESI热点论文和高被引论文)
21. Yang H., Hu X. J., Su C. P., Liu Y. L., Chen R.*. Reversibly photo-switchable wettability of stearic acid monolayer modified bismuth-based micro-/nanomaterials. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2017, 19, 31666-31674.
22. Zeng W. G., Chen J., Yang H.*, Deng L. D., Liao G. F., Xu Z. S.*. Robust coating with superhydrophobic and self-cleaning properties in either air or oil based on natural zeolite. Surf. Coat. Technol., 2017, 309, 1045-1051.
23. Yang F., Zhang M., Yang H.*, Yan W. L., Jiang F. T.*. Effect of aggregate size on liquid absorption characteristics of konjac glucomannan superabsorbent. J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 2017, 134, 45416.
24. Song S., Yang H.*, Su C. P., Jiang Z. B., Lu Z. Ultrasonic-microwave assisted synthesis of stable reduced graphene oxide modified melamine foam with superhydrophobicity and high oil adsorption capacities. Chem. Eng. J., 2016, 306, 504-511. (ESI热点论文和高被引论文)
25. Yang H., Pi P. H., Yang Z. R., Lu Z., Chen R.*. Design of a superhydrophobic and superoleophilic film using cured fluoropolymer@silica hybrid. Appl. Surf. Sci., 2016, 388, 268-273.
26. Su C. P., Lu Z., Zhao H. P., Yang H.*, Chen R.*. Photoinduced switchable wettability of bismuth coating with hierarchical dendritic structure between superhydrophobicity and superhydrophilicity. Appl. Surf. Sci., 2015, 353, 735-743.
27. Zhong X., Zhao H. P., Yang H.*, Liu Y. L., Yan G. P., Chen R.*. Tunable surface wettability and water adhesion of Sb2S3 micro-/nanorod films. Appl. Surf. Sci., 2014, 289, 425-429.
28. Yang H., Hu X. J., Chen R.*, Liu S. T., Pi P. H., Yang Z. R. Fluoropolymer/SiO2 composite films with switchable superoleophilicity and high oleophobicity for "on-off" oil permeation. Appl. Surf. Sci., 2013, 280, 113-116.
29. Yang H., Zhang X. J., Cai Z. Q., Pi P. H., Zheng D. F., Wen X. F., Cheng J., Yang Z. R.*. Functional silica film on stainless steel mesh with tunable wettability. Surf. Coat. Technol., 2011, 205, 5387-5393.
30. Yang H., Pi P. H., Cai Z. Q., Wen X. F., Wang X. B., Cheng J., Yang Z. R.*. Facile preparation of super-hydrophobic and super-oleophilic silica film on stainless steel mesh via sol-gel process. Appl. Surf. Sci., 2010, 256, 4095-4102.
31. Yang H., Pi P. H., Wen X. F., Zheng D. F., Cheng J., Yang Z. R.*. Structures and surface wettability of fluorinated (meth) acrylate polymers. Prog. Chem., 2010, 22, 1133-1141.
1. 杨浩, 张庆霞, 洪汉火, 廖腾飞, 唐其金, 吕中. 一种同时用于乳液分离和染料吸附的复合纳米纤维膜及其制备方法. 中国: ZL201910865214.8, 2023-01-13.
2. 杨浩, 宋爽. 一种具有自清洁性能的水下超疏油涂层及其制备方法. 中国: ZL201611244316.0, 2020-01-14.
3. 杨浩, 何远涛, 陈颖. 一种具有光催化和抗菌性能的纺织布复合材料及其制备方法. 中国: ZL201710261028.4, 2019-12-06.
4. 杨浩, 宋爽, 陈嵘, 吕中, 程刚, 邓黎丹. 一种超疏水还原氧化石墨烯/海绵复合材料及其制备方法. 中国: ZL201610123661.2, 2018.06.08.
5. 杨浩, 吴忠强, 宋爽, 陈嵘. 一种高光泽度超疏水铜涂层及其制备方法. 中国: ZL201610136467.8, 2018.05.01.
1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金:具有多级结构和不同表面润湿性的纳米氧化锌涂层的制备及其生物粘附性研究(21201135),主持
2. 湖北省教育厅优秀中青年人才支持计划:超疏水抗菌纺织复合物的制备及其对常见皮肤致病菌的抑制活性研究(Q20121502),主持
3. 武汉市科技局对外科技合作与交流计划:可控润湿表面的纳米氧化锌涂层的制备及其抗菌活性研究(201231234465),主持
1. 武汉工程大学教学研究项目校级项目:基于生命科学竞赛的大学生创新活动基地建设和运行管理机制研究(X2022050),主持
2. 武汉工程大学教学研究项目校级重点项目:食品科学与工程专业科研导师制培养模式探索与实践(X2015005),主持
3. 武汉工程大学高等教育管理研究课题重点项目:武汉工程大学优势学科分析及进入ESI门槛对策研究(201502),主持
4. 武汉工程大学高等教育管理研究课题:武汉工程大学各学院对ESI学科贡献度分析及ESI引用次数提升策略研究(201604),主持